Friday, November 24, 2006

Guy Fawkes Night, 2006

I am now here in England (for those of you that don't know me, I'm originally from Australia) and they still celebrate Guy Fawkes night or Bonfire night, as it's sometimes known. We stopped celebrating this back home when I was just a child. I'm sure it was because too many accidents occured with people and their DIY fireworks. The selling and purchasing of fireworks in Australia is illegal. It is only permissable to those who do it as a profession - for example the people that do the awesome display on Sydney Harbour every December 31st, which, sadly I am still yet to witness with my own eyes.

So these are some photos I took just from looking out the window of my room. My (basic) digital camera has a setting specifically for 'fireworks', so I had to have a steady hand (actually, I just leaned it against the brick wall). If you don't mind me saying so, I'm quite pleased with how they turned out.

For those that don't know what Guy Fawkes night is, here's the explanation I took from Wikepedia - 'It celebrates for some the failure of the Gun Powder plot (to others the attempt), in which a group of Catholic conspirators, led by one Robert Catesby, and including Guy Fawkes, attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in Westminster on the evening of 5 November 1605, when the Protestant King James I (James VI of Scotland) was within its walls.The celebrations, which in the United Kingdom take place in towns and villages across the country, involve fireworks displays and the building of bonfires, on which "guys", or dummies, representing Guy Fawkes, the most infamous of the conspirators, are traditionally burnt. Before the fifth, children traditionally used the "guys" to beg for money with the chant "Penny for the guy", although this is now rarely seen'.


Anonymous said...

Hey, nice pics. I still remember my uncle setting up millennium fire crackers in his front garden next to everyone's PARKED CARS. Argh!

moviemerlin said...

Thanks magnificent trout. Glad you like the photos. Did you see the ones further down? I posted them just for you. I'm actually about to put more London one's up now!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are stunning :)

moviemerlin said...

Thanks Westyx! That's nice of you to say!

HughE Dillon said...

Girrrrrllll you must be busy. I know I owe you an email or two. Is it true that Children of Men is going DVD already in England. That is what my friend the NY Critic says.


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