Monday, July 26, 2010

A silly poem.

I have started writing poetry. Correction. I have started writing. Again. And this time around, it seems I am writing poetry. A lot of it. Along with just my general thoughts and musings of the world in which I (or should that be, 'we') live.

So, I've written a poem. The subject is one you know. Someone you've encountered. More than once. Probably everyday. If not, more than once a day. In my line of work -Customer Service - I'm unfortunate enough to encounter this type of person everyday. Hourly. Heck, even every minute!

They're stupid people.

And they annoy the crap out of me!

From the looks they give you when they don't understand what you say, to the questions they ask and then you can't understand what they say. They exist. Everywhere.

Now, in my line of work, it's a given they'll they'll appear. It's to be expected. That's fine. With 15 years of experience in customer service, I'm used to it by now. But I tell you, after all this time, it still gets frustrating. And I'm often left shaking my head.

On any given shift, I'll get more than my share of stupid people. But the other night, I swear, every single customer was stupid. I'm not even kidding. Believe me, for both our sakes, I wish I was! Every. Single. One.

Now, I've said it before... I'm a pretty cool, calm and collected person, but my, oh my, were they testing my patience last Thursday. I was getting so frustrated it wasn't even funny. So, I had to vent. Below is what I came up with.

One day, I'll put it on a t-shirt. 'Stupid people shouldn't breed. Ever'. But for now, I've written it in this poem...

Hey stupid people, if you stop to see,
You'll realise that you shouldn't breed.
Your stupidity and ignorance,
Are really quite a damn nuisance.
Your confused looks and thoughtless questions,
We wonder why you have children.
So acknowledge what it is to do,
Stop breeding, please, we beg of you!

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