Sunday, September 23, 2007

Are Your Dreams Reality Yet?

... this is the question I have posted on my blog page for all to see. A reminder not just for the readers out there, but more so for me.

It's a saying I've had for some time. Years even. A 'kick in the head' if you will, to finally do something with my life. To not be a statistic. To be one of the 10% who get out there and live their dreams.

10%. Is that all? What happened to the other 90%? When did they stop dreaming? When did they settle? But more importantly... Why?

I don't want to be one of the 90%. I want to be one of the rare ones. I don't want a job because it pays my bills. I want a job because it fulfills my dreams. I want a job I enjoy. I want a job that challenges me. Most importantly, I want a job that I love.

'Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life'.

I don't remember who said that. In all honesty, I've no clue. But I know it's a quote I love.

Watch this space... I'll check back with you a little later on. Either this year or next year. Who knows. I might not fully be there, but here's hoping I'll be a little closer.

My dreams are not reality yet... but I'm certainly working on it.

Are you?

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