Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I emailed you...

Did you get it?

It was some weeks ago. I wonder if you recieved it.

Perhaps it was lost in cyberspace. That's been happening to me for some weeks now. I changed my email format and now I find I lose an email. Not all of the time. Just now and then. I think I have a 95% success rate. Still 5% is a lot of emails to go missing. Especially when they're paragraphs long and so much thought goes into them.

I sent one to Brisbane... it never made it. I sent another to Toronto but it too got lost along the way. I sent two to Los Angeles... both never reached their destination.

And then I sent yours... to the desert city. I wonder if it made it there. And if it did and you didn't have time to reply, then that's o.k. Sometimes we get a little busy. Sometimes it's hard to keep up. Sometimes life just happens.

I hope this note finds you well. I'm sure you'll read it. I hope you're smiling and life is treating you good.

Just know that you are thought of often and much.


HughE Dillon said...

thats the problem with new email addys. Get Gmail, its great. Simon and Katie are coming for july 4th fireworks, to Philly to see me. HughE

moviemerlin said...

Hey HughE! Great to hear from you, thanks for the note. I should look into the gmail thing, because that's the second time you've mentioned it.

I hope you enjoyed the fireworks. No doubt I'll see the pictures up on your blog soon enough.

I did email Simon the other day actually. Maybe his got lost too now that I think about it.

I hope you're well! Premiere night tomorrow for 'Hairspray'. My gosh, I've been slack in the photo department. If I get some good shots, I'll write about them. I'm really looking forward to 'The Simpsons' premiere though.

Take Care, friend.

Think-itFilm-it said...

I am smiling.

I read and re-read this several times. I suppose I should clarify right off that I did get your e-mail two days after you sent it. I was so excited and, being immensely busy at the time, it took me about a week to write back. I wanted the reply to be well thought out. I have a problem with that. It took me another week to send it because my internet went down and I had a show and things were forgotten, as you said, it was hard to keep up.

I came to your page today to check up, wondering if you had gotten my e-mail and was very surprised. Oddly, your blog answered my question right after I asked it. I hope I’m not assuming that this is directed to me when it is not, I have a problem with that as well. None the less, I owe you an e-mail. Hopefully, many e-mails will follow.

I’m writing you again. A fresh response. I got a new e-mail address because, similar to you, I’ve been losing e-mails too. And we all thought the internet was so reliable.

I’m sorry. You will hear from me very soon.


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