Tuesday, May 29, 2007

1000 Hits

Well, looky, looky...

My blog has hit the one thousand mark... 1000 people!

When the heck did that happen? I've only just noticed. Partly because I rarely take the time to scroll down. Let's be honest... it's my blog. I know what's there. Or so I thought.

1000, eh! I'm quite pleased with that, mainly because I wonder who on earth would want to read what I have to write. I guess there's some people out there who are interested in the ramblings that exist in my head which I then find the courage to write them down for all to see. That or the fact that my mum just keeps hitting the 'refresh' button.

I'm going to go with the former as opposed to the latter. It'll boost my self-confidence.

Sure, I'm nowhere near close to the almost 100 000 hits that my American friend Hughe has reached. But he's so busy chasing celebrities in New York City and Philadelphia that people are certain to be interested to read what he writes about. Oh, and he always has great pictures up there to make me jealous of all the people he's seen. But then I remember he rarely sleeps and I begin to envy him less. Granted, he's the politest photographer I've ever met. When I met him, he was an unofficial paparazzi... he got his first qualification for the Rocky Balboa Premiere in Philadelphia earlier this year. I don't aspire to be like him. No offence to you my friend. He's a great photographer and gets all the celebs... check him out, there's no-one he hasn't seen. But for me, I like that it's a hobby.

Enough of about him... let's get back to focusing on me.

Wow, where did that ego trip come from?! I'm not usually like that, and if you don't mind, I'm going to take a second to slap myself for being so self-indulgent. It's just not my style. I have an idea whose influence that is, but I'd rather not say. Not that he visits this blog, so technically it doesn't matter.

But yes, back to me...

One Thousand Hits.

I'm a little chuffed. I guess it gives me an incentive to keep on writing.

To all of you who made it soar to one thousand and beyond, to all of you I didn't bore and to all of you that just keep coming back... I thank you!

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